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Nicklaus Golf My Way – One Basic Swing

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One Basic Swing golf tip from the number one selling golf instructional video of all time- Golf My Way by Jack Nicklaus. View more at www.Nicklaus.com/youtube/

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3rd Day October 5, 2019 - 9:59 pm

Aside from Ben Hogan, Jack had the best swing in golf history. The modern swing is a recipe for injury as the golfers age. Taking the lower body out of the swing is putting undue stress on the upper body.

Danny Law February 15, 2020 - 5:21 pm

The best golfer as well as the best man in the history of the game. Eldritch Woods is an embarrassment to the game and a poor excuse for a human being.

Tommy Summers February 27, 2020 - 5:28 pm

Who’s downvoting Nicklaus?? Seriously?

Music Gerardo March 31, 2020 - 11:48 pm

Good night, my friends and fans of Jack Nicklaus, yes i share the vídeo with the i played the guitar, i played harmonic and i singed but this song is for the drug addict yes you will see, you will listen and you will share, you suscribe and the others and other is a solid foundation, you will prayer for the American Continent towards The Lord Almighty Father, Lord of The All Created😇😚, The Lord Almighty Father, Lord of The All Created yes blessing you😇😚https://youtu.be/SnQS_tXAFPk.

Sairin Bugis April 7, 2020 - 6:48 am

Om saya sering dreving bola saya sering ňnyak kenan.apa salah lemparnya apa dri posisi pegangan klepnyo.terima kasih petujuknya

Sairin Bugis April 7, 2020 - 6:51 am

Om séring bola saya banyak kekanan.saya hrs bagai mana apa salah lemparnya apa salah betdirinya om mhn petuuknya om terimakasih bantuanya

TheTurfrex June 16, 2020 - 2:07 am

81 people who watched this don't know Jack!!!

Bill 8210 August 16, 2020 - 7:37 am

He was only the greatest golfer ever.

Pulse2AM August 17, 2020 - 4:41 am

One important thing you don't hit down on the ball with a driver taking a divot as you do with irons.

Vlas Gilbers October 1, 2020 - 12:55 pm

I just completed reading these golf swing techniques last week before going out and placing the routines to the test. I had been at it for 30 years, but I was stunned that my swinging abilities was still boosted. The exercises have assisted with smaller details I had never paid much attention to.. I found this guidebook by Google. They call it Logan Ballοyshot
Take care

JuanHuangWonOneYuanOnce October 22, 2020 - 11:25 pm

Judging by the years gone by since the comments before mine this video is a fossil. If you read my comment please reply to this. If it remains up a decade from today and you reply to this then I will be pleasantly surprised – as I was to see the age of the first comments of this video. Regards then!

sawy78 January 12, 2021 - 8:46 am

Seven years already passed when I started playing and all those years were filled with practices and training lessons. When I received the golf swing secrets , Jοmtοnο Naha (Go ogle it), I was able to create a 75 shot after 2 buckets. I managed to get more accustomed to many golf concepts such as grip, ball position and through swing drills. My past handicap is thirteen, but now I`m starting to drop it. This particular guide is a plus!

tnt254254 March 4, 2021 - 4:08 pm

His swing with the driver is different from the rest… watch his lead heel

Thomas Jones May 24, 2021 - 11:39 am

The Best Of All Time, Jack Nicklaus,

JPeppa June 22, 2021 - 2:18 am

Watch this at .25 playback speed to see jack after he drinks 18 beers

Definitive Energy July 24, 2021 - 9:17 pm

"If I'm just off the green, 11 times out of 10 I'll putt". Jack

Teressa Abbott October 3, 2021 - 3:39 pm

Why doesn't nobody teach this golf swing today

Russ Ivey November 18, 2021 - 12:08 am

I started out doing what most people do, and that was to shift the ball position forward or back in the stance depending on the club. I took a lesson from a guy that showed me this video, as well as a book written by Ben Hogan, where they both said that ball position should be off the front inside heel for ALL clubs. Ever since then, I have been hitting my hybrids, irons, and wedges solid. It definitely depends on the golfer, but clearly the "old school" approach is what works for me.

G Daig June 11, 2022 - 3:44 am

Jack’s vhs lesson’s taught me how to play golf back in the mid 80’s. He is. An outstanding teacher.

Life Is Beautiful Bang Woman July 11, 2022 - 1:57 pm


LinuxStuff July 17, 2022 - 8:49 am

Dunno who this guy is but he knows fuck all about golf. With that posture he's never even gonna be able to go low at his local muni.

christopher smith January 2, 2023 - 12:33 pm

jack hit 341 yards in the 1963 long driving contest prior to the us pga that year.with modern equipment that would be in the region of 390 yards

Bukurie January 22, 2023 - 9:00 am

Best American golfer🌏

Ira Shoff February 25, 2023 - 3:14 pm

Boiled down Jack "hit from the top" after his weight shift. You have to wonder what weight shift has to do with it? Hinge and Hit.

Sarah Lee May 3, 2023 - 5:30 am

What an amazing golfer. The best ever,

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