Home » Celebrity » 武田玲央が8アンダーで首位、吉本ひかる、桑木志穂が1打差で続く。


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professional golf tour niter ladies day 2 15th chba sodara CC shinso day C 6,584 yds par 72 the final group has finished the first nine holes Kar Rio improved her score by three Strokes in the first half and is now in the lead at eight under par Oto hakaru and kawaki shho are following in second place one stroke behind at 7 par last week’s winners oaro Moko and Kobayashi Yuma follow in fourth place at six under par Yi raker is in sixth place at five under par last year’s Champion yamashi Miu is in 17th Place at two under par after the 10th hole Hara Hadi is struggling in 74th Place at four overp par after 11 holes AAR Rio improved her score by three Strokes in the first half and is now in the lead at8 underp yoshimoto hakaru and kagi shho are in second place one stroke behind at seven under last week’s winners ozato mamoko and Kobayashi Yuma follow in fourth place at six under par Yuzu raker is in sixth place at five under par last year’s Champion yamashi Miu is in 17th Place at two under par after the 10th hole haror ER is struggling at 74th Place at 4 over a par after 11 holes


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